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To abandon Telecom and live happy. Subtitle: VoIP.

Dr. Emiliano Bruni, info/at/ebruni_dot_it
Copyright © 2005 Emiliano Bruni

Last modification: 2005/11/28
Licence Creative Commons


This document describes the steps necessary in order to get rid of the telephone line Telecom, from the relative fixed bill and the bimonthly without to lose just the telephone number and continuing to normally telephone with the same telephone but routing telephone calls via Internet through the Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP.

VoIP is not Skype®.

Always more often I find myself to having to explain to friends and customers as they can eliminate the telephone bill Telecom completely using the VoIP.

Before what that I feel myself to answer is nearly always: "ah, I have already felt to speak about Skype®". For which me it is of obligation one short premised: "VoIP is not Skype®". We repeat all together: "VoIP is not Skype®".

Skype® is a software for computer that allows to carry out one called vocal with others makes a subscriber Skype to you® and, through a called system SkypeOut® to execute calls also towards makes a subscriber you of the usual telephone lines.

Therefore Skype® always previews an ignited computer, a microphone and caps connected to the computer and use it of keyboard and mouse in order to begin one called beyond to one type logon xDSL.

You will be of agreement with me that this is not what, in the common sense, telephone call re-enters in the term "to carry out one".

Moreover although Skype® and its protocol of communication is, technically speaking, a shape of voice over IP, I do not want to number Skype® between the VoIP systems "user-friendly" for one series of reasons:

  • Skype® necessity of a computer in order to work and is therefore more complex to use than other systems;

  • Skype® is not based on an open protocol but but on a closed protocol and therefore it is not possible to exactly know the emergency and the way in which the our voice it travels using this protocol;

  • Skype® is based on a concept of peer-to-peer between the computers of the net to the par of the software of rows sharing Emule type and therefore our "telephone call" crosses the computers of other Skype customers® who could therefore intercept it;

  • the information approximately the operation and the flow of the data transferred from Skype® are secret and therefore it is not very clearly where our voice goes to end before reaching the adressee.

For this I will not deal of Skype® in this document but of those VoIP systems that do not need, in order to only work, of a computer but that they work using the classic house telephone.

From what a VoIP system is composed practically.

A VoIP system is composed substantially gives

Classic modality of VoIP connection

(Source: Quick Install Linksys PAP2 - Copyright © Cisco System, inc. 2004)

  • a line of connettività Internet of type ADSL on which our voice will travel, usually codified and compressed gives of the software said codec;

  • the router to which it is connected, on one side cable ADSL and from the other our inner net ethernet;

  • a ATA (analog telephone adapter), that is an adapter between the net ethernet and the usual telephone net.

  • Our telephone of house.

The ATA is the heart of the VoIP system. It on one side concurs to attack itself to the net ethernet having a classic connector female RJ-45 on which therefore connecting the router, from the other to attack our telephone system standard having also a classic plug telephone RJ-11.

Connection between ATA and telephone

(Source: Quick Install Linksys PAP2

Copyright © Cisco System, inc. 2004)

Connection between ATA and ethernet

(Source: Quick Install Linksys PAP2

Copyright © Cisco System, inc. 2004)

It is that the then authentic ATA and is conversed with the serveur of the supplier of the VoIP service to which we are makes a subscriber to you, in order to obtain the line, to instradare telephoning, finding the residual credit opportunely and cosi via. In order univocamente to identify us to the inside of the system of the operator, the ATA is shaped with an opportune username and password to we it assigns to you.

Schematizzazione of a VoIP system

From the point of view of the "housewife of Voghera", to the used telephone up to now it comes "replaced" the same null telephone that is changes. A beautiful advantage regarding Skype®.

The only thing that it changes is that, more or less hidden from some part, to mount of the telephone system there is the ATA that, instead of instradare the long telephone call the old analogic line telephone, sends it via Internet to the serveur of the supplier with which we have made the VoIP subscription.

Relatively to the supplier of the VoIP service from here in then, relatively to the characteristics and the costs of services VoIP and ADSL I will make reference to the proposals offered from the company near which job and in particular to firm the SERVIZIOVoIP offer remaining that said how much can be applied in the lines generates them also to other analogous offering of other operating ones with equivalent characteristics.

Which are the advantages of the VoIP?

The VoIP replaces in transparent way the telephone line of house allowing to call all the numbers of fixed and mobile net comprised the emergency numbers, using the same telephone apparatus.

Connection between VoIP and telephone net standard

(Source: - Copyright © Micso S.r.l. 2005)

The costs of a VoIP telephone call are from 5 to 10 times lower than those traditional ones. As an example, for the long-distance calls Tele2 it costs 6 cent of euro to the minute, one called VoIP 1,7 therefore 70% less (source 13 November 2005). On the VoIP line, like saying, not there is canone fixed to pay if that one of classic line ADSL but, obviously, line ADSL does not come used normally also for the navigation for which this canone it is a canone that logon to wide band to Internet would be had in any case for having one.

The calls intra-VoIP that is to the inside of the VoIP net of a same operator are free, therefore if the two make a subscriber to you they have a VoIP logon with a same operator the calls between the two makes a subscriber to you are totally free.

There e' always the back of the medal.

Which are the disadvantages of the VoIP? To the state they of the technology puts into effect does not work the fax (tant' is that for this there is a called protocol to-hoc foIP, fax over IP), and finishes them to POS and all those systems that they try to be connected as an example via modem like the logons dialup to the several freenet.

This limitation is due to fact that ATA not recognizing calls fax, POS and in a generalized manner modem from those of voice pure, applies to first codec that, if in the case of the voice, substantially does not alter "the vocal" information of the call, in the case of modulation-demodulation of a modem of it it destroys instead completely the informative part.

To part however this limitation, in many cases marginal, the VoIP is therefore substantially identical to the traditional analogic telephony and, like such, a good candidate to being the telephone of the future.

The enormous advantage of being able to continue to use the usual telephone apparatus allows to avoid "gap" due to the income of one the new technology with new instruments with which the citizen it must be become accustomed and it avoids of the costs added to you that they would be instead necessary in the case of the introduction of new apparatuses.

As Telecom is removed.

We begin, to this point, to enter in the alive one of the speech and to see which they are the passages necessary to carry out in order to remove Telecom, not to lose the number of telephone currently in use and to pass to the VoIP.

We consider therefore a family type that still does not have an Internet connection to wide band but traditional telephone line possesses one and a number of geographic telephone 012 345678.

Having already active a telephone line it could be thought to activate the ADSL on which then using the VoIP on this same line. The thing is sure possible but it would then prevent us to eliminate the telephone bill. If in fact it is technologically possible to activate the ADSL on a usual telephone line and then to remove the contract voice and the relative bill, Telecom does not preview commercially this possibility in the sense that if active an ADSL on a line and then is tried to interrupt the service of fonia disdicendo the relative contract, Telecom removes also service ADSL although the two contracts are separate to you.

[ Modernization of 28 November 2005 ] E' news today that, with a famous one on the just situated one, Telecom it has declared that from 13 December 2005 it will be possible to disdire the service of fonia without that the eventual ADSL of an other already present operator comes retracted on the line. In this case the line will automatically become one line "ADSL connection without fonia" no-phone. If this were true, would come to fall the speech of which under relatively to the necessity making a new contract of one new line no-phone in how much, to the action of the notice to leave of the line of fonia, our "only one" to this point, line would become automatically no-phone. Obviously it remains in feet all the remaining speech. We will be to see if and in that modality this will answer to the true one. We return to our speech. Eye that also in this case, the notice to leave does not go given endured and directly but goes continuation the procedure under didelegare the supplier of the VoIP service to the notice to leave of the line of fonia.

For our scopes it is therefore necessary (less of the famous one than modernization of which over) in any case the activation of one new line. To the cost of ? 99, a tantum for the activation, can be obtained an ADSL on one new line on which it is not active and it is not possible to make fonia traditional and on which passes single traffic ADSL.

What it practically happens, to the purchase of a contract no-phone, is that after some day, omino a Telecom comes and installs a new subscriber loop to house ours. Telecom comes why monopolista company as far as  the last mile is she still it that is the piece of thread between house yours and it centers it them telephone. Therefore, independently from the operator with which you have stilato the contract no-phone, Telecom comes to carry the thread. Obviously no cost goes had to the "omino" in how much already included in the 99 euro of activation that exactly serves to cover the costs of activation of the line.

It is true, exist currently other operating ones that, in some zones of Italy can carry the thread to house directly without to pass for Telecom but on these lines then it is possible to only put the ADSL of the same operator. As an example if I have a Fastweb line I can only put the ADSL of Fastweb, if I can put a Albacom line I can put only one then ADSL Albacom. Indeed a friend told that he to me, having Infostrada, an other operator who in some zones covers the last mile, then it was not successful neanche to having the ADSL from Infostrada and however he had had to take one line no-phone from Telecom.

Instead that Telecom door is a line for cosi to say "neutral" on which whichever operator it can activate an ADSL or best to you, to the contrary, when a whichever operator wants to activate one ADSL on one not-telephone line, Telecom door that "neutral" line.

To this point we have a plug identical to that telephone (RJ-11) on which it comes activated the ADSL from the operator with which we have stilato the VoIP contract and we are therefore in the condition of a line on which we can only make fonia, that one that already we had, and on which we pay canone the relative Telecom and releases you to our telephone conversations and a second line, that one as soon as installed, on which we pay a canone for service ADSL.

The ready operator is hour to activate the VoIP service on our line ADSL. He comes us therefore supplied a new number of telephone, a ATA and a username and password, inside to the ATA that he identifies to us with the VoIP operator like customer X.

We are hour in degrees to make and to receive calls using the single VoIP service to pact to have recharged our telephone. In fact, usually, the VoIP system works with the same logic of the reloadable cards of the cellular ones. A online is recharged tot of credit through a page type this, and a tot is had therefore to disposition of credit for the telephone calls.

We are hour ready to finally say goodbye to the "old beloved Telecom".

Through the appropriate module dedicated to the cosi said service of "service provider portability" we delegate the VoIP operator to disdire, for our account, the old telephone line Telecom and to the transfer of the old number in the new system.

Time a week approximately the game is made. The old line becomes "dumb" and the telephone calls to the old number begin to be received on the telephone connected to the VoIP.

Obviously this described is the more general case. In the case, as an example, some Telecom line is not possessed is always possible to activate one subsequently ADSL on one line given no-phone and the VoIP. Obviously it does not exist "number portability" not existing a number to mount "to carry".

It does not remain that to scream : "Goodbye old Telecom, long live to VoIP".

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1.Massimiliano wrote on 2007-02-20 10:10:49

Emily capitavo per caso sul tuo sito...Sta faccenda del VOIP la dobbiamo fare

2.stefano wrote on 2007-03-10 15:09:57

salve penso che 550 telecom e 240 tiscali siano troppi per una famiglia ........... ma il voip per me è arabo chiedo aiuto ciao stefano [seguiva numero di cellulare, rimosso dal moderatore]

3.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2007-03-10 19:18:03

Ciao stefano. Prova a chiamare in Micso durante gli orari di ufficio allo 085 54105 e vediamo se è possibile fare qualcosa

4.LUCIA wrote on 2007-04-01 16:59:06


5.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2007-04-02 00:33:46

Non mi hai detto qual'è la tua zona. Comunque, a meno che non sei coperta dal nostro servizio o da altri equivalenti di altri operatori, direi che ti tocca proprio aspettare. Ciao

6.Michele wrote on 2007-04-03 18:26:24

Buona sera ho letto con molto interesse questo tuo articolo. Sono reduce da una telefonata con un porvider di telefonia VoIP Cheapnet, del quale sono tra l'altro felice cliente, che sostiene che questa cosa della number portability non è (ancora) possibile. Mi confermi che questa cosa è possibile e che posso ottenere il trasfrimento del numero che oggi posseggo con telecom sul mio contratto VoIP? Grazie per il tuo tempo

7.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2007-04-04 00:41:25

Noi lo facciamo da, mi sembra, oltre un anno.

8.Roberto wrote on 2007-07-15 10:26:07

ciao sono Roberto, ho fastweb con un hag al quale è collegato un dispositivo access point netgear che mi consente di navigare su internet e quindi di poterti leggere e scriverti da una posizione dove c'è solo la corrente elettrica.
Con un telefono normale (Siemens euroset 5000) e con il computer (portatile Toshiba) è possibile telefonare in Italia e/o in Europa/oltreoceano?
Se si, ti sarei grato se mi dessi delle indicazioni circa il software e l'hardware che sono necessari.
Complimenti per la chiarezza nello spiegare e grazie per l'aiuto.

9.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2007-07-15 11:47:38

x Roberto.
La risposta è si e puoi usare o il sistema qui descritto che funziona anche con fastweb, sia altri sistemi tipo lo SkypeOut di Skype

10.Vincenzo cappai wrote on 2007-08-23 20:54:00

ho una multifunzione fax samsung scx 4521f collegata ad un ATA linksys spa2102. Per il voip nessun problema ma per il fax nè in trasmissione nè in ricezione. I tecnici samsung mi dicono che il modem della multifunzione non va in voip ma il tecnico eutelia fornitore del servizio mi dice che è un problema dell'ata che non è compatibile con lòa multifunzione. Può aiutarmi o devo buttare la samsung? Grazie Vincenzo Cappai.

11.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2007-08-23 21:00:06

Per Vincenzo Cappai

Come scrivo anche nell'articolo sopra: "Quali sono gli svantaggi del VoIP? Allo stato attuale della tecnologia non funzionano il fax...".

Puo' andare bene in alcuni casi fortuiti ma in generale i VoIP non sono compatibili con i Fax quindi se si ha bisogno di fare Fax o si usa uno di quei servizi fax2mail e mail2fax oppure si attiva una normale linea telefonica.

Quindi io mi fiderei piu' della risposta data dai tecnici Samsung

12.Vincenzo Cappai wrote on 2007-08-24 08:50:54 Emiliano,
ringrazio per la cortese e qualificata risposta e quindi provvederò per un'altra linea.
Vincenzo Cappai

13.Alessio wrote on 2007-10-10 19:20:30

Ciao Emiliano, vorrei esporti il mio problema/dilemma.
Sono un utente Telecom, per quanto riguarda la telefonia fissa, mentre per quanto riguarda l'ADSL sono un utente Libero Infostrada (e preciso che la mia zona è coperta solo da rete Telecom). Dato che il telefono fisso ormai non lo utilizzo quasi più (pago solamente il prezzo del canone!), soppiantato ormai per me, dalla combinata, cellulare VOIP, vorrei eliminare definitivamente la fonia (e quindi la Telecom con relativo canone) e tenere solo l'ADSL con altro operatore. E possibile farlo questo in realtà? C'è una procedura particolare da seguire? E se un giorno decidessi di cambiare operatore ADSL (non Telecom comuque) ci sarebbero problemi nella riattivazione della linea?
Spero in un tuo aiuto e in una tua risposta.

14.Serena wrote on 2007-10-31 13:53:07

Sono lo zero assoulto su tutto ciò che è telefonia e computer. Ho l'abbonamento a telecom e tramite Alice mi collego a internet. Come posso per disdire senza pagare penali e accedere liberamente sia a internet che al voip? Sono gestori? Grazie per la comprensione e la risposta. Serena.

15.carlo wrote on 2007-11-28 10:35:00

Ciao volevo un aiuto se puoi darmelo:
Ho un adattatore LINKSYS spa2102 che funziona regolarmente per le chiamate voip.
Collegandolo alla linea ADSL Fastweb sto riscontrando dei problemi che ti elenco:
QUando effettuo una chiamata non si sente lo squillo nella cornetta e non si sente neanche quando il numero chiamato risponde.
Il numero chiamato,invece,sente il telefono squillare e quando risponde sente chi ha chiamato.
sai darmi un aiuto?

16.Giuseppe wrote on 2008-01-10 12:55:25

Sono quasi pronto per passare a Voip, ed il tuo articolo mi è stato utilissimo per chiarire (quasi) tutti i miei dubbi tecnici residui.
In effetti non ho capito bene se l'ATA debba essere applicato ad un sola presa (quella nella stanza del computer, per intenderci) oppure anche a tutte quelle a cui saranno collegati i telefoni tradizionali e se questi ulteriori ATA posso istallarmeli da solo o devo chiamare l'elettricista.

17.Alessio M. wrote on 2008-01-18 12:53:04

Ho una linea tradizionale con telecom e una contratto adsl flat con tiscali. Come posso liberarmi del canone telecom usufruendo del VoIP con lo stesso numero telecom e contiunare a navigare in internet in adsl (con tiscali o altro operatore)?

18.Lorenzo wrote on 2008-02-01 13:33:54

Caro Emiliano,
essendo io un abbonato alla rete Fastweb (non quella a fibra ottica bensì la tradizionale ADSL) ed essendo in possesso del classico HAG modello Pirelli, sono interessato a sopperire ai costi di telefonia tradizionale per adoperare Voip. Premetto che ho contattato telefonicamente il callcenter della Fastweb che dovrebbe essere (e dico dovrebbe) al servizio di noi clienti, ma a quanto pare ne sanno meno di me e non sanno dirmi in che modo sia possibile abilitare Voip sulla loro rete entrando nella configurazione del mio HAG.

Mi può dare suggerimenti in merito ? E' possibile adoperare il software per la linea adsl Fastweb ? può indirizzarmi su siti opportuni o esaudire questi miei dubbi ?

Anticipatamente ringrazio,

19.barbara wrote on 2008-04-05 22:22:58

Davvero difficile destreggiarsi, sembra che tutti "regalino"qualcosa ma come si fa ad essere sicuri che fra qualche tempo non si rimescoli tutto? Mettiamo il caso che un giorno per una qualsiasi ragione ci tocca RIchiedere la vecchia linea telefonica (magari perchè VoIP chiude bottega) e noi, beati fino a ieri, entriamo subito in paranoia quanto ci costa riattivare la linea? Certo non sarà più quella, viaggerà con la fibra ottica ma ci costerà costerà...

20.franco wrote on 2008-05-17 17:06:15

devo attivare una nuova linea telefonica in una altrettanto nuova residenza. non ho pertanto alcun collegamento o allacciamento alla rete telecom che anzi, proprio in questi giorni sta iniziando i lavori per la realizzazione di una nuova cabina di distribuzione, necessaria per servire tutta la prossima utenza del nuovo quartiere. potrebbero esserci difficoltà? e soprattutto poso ritenermi esentato da qualsiasi intrusione telecom? grazie per il tuo aiuto. franco da trivolzio.

21.Francesco wrote on 2009-02-28 11:14:45


a volte (spesso) a casa mia accade che il servizio ADSL telecom non sia disponibile per qualche ora. Se passo al Voip questi malfunzionamenti renderanno impossibile usare il telefono?

22.Emiliano Bruni wrote on 2009-02-28 13:29:09

Ovviamente si.

23.VINCENZO wrote on 2009-04-28 16:40:05


24.Valentino wrote on 2010-02-16 17:21:59

Salve a tutti, avrei bisogno di un chiarimento:

attualmente in ufficio abbiamo Tele2 adsl e telefono;

tra un paio di mesi ci trasferiremo a circa 20 km di distanza.

se facciamo adesso il passaggio al Voip, poi(anche a distanza di 20 Km potremo usare lo stesso numero?

25.laura wrote on 2010-10-12 10:38:01

Salve, ho lo stesso quesito di Alessio (commento n°13) al quale però mi sembra non sia stata data risposta.
Attualmente ho una linea Tiscali (voce ADSL) ma vorrei sapere se è possibile avere solo la linea ADSL e utilizzare il VOIP. Se sì, come si fa?

26.Mariano Campo wrote on 2012-09-04 12:02:38

Voglio abbandonare Telecom anch'io ma la mia abitazione è cablata, a partire dal vicino palo Telecom, tramite scavi fatti da privati ed i relativi pozzetti d'ispezione sono stati sommersi sotto l'asfalto.
Ho avuto grosse difficoltà ad avere l'indispensabile telefono fisso perchè i miei vicini non volevano cavi volanti e Telecom non voleva fare gli scavi.
Ho avuto qualche guasto finora riparato senza difficoltà ma in caso di guasto grave, ad esempio se occorresse cambiare il cavo telefonico... a quale palo Telecom mi dovrei attaccare?
Posso rivolgermi a qualche altro operatore indipendente più serio di Telecom per fare riemergere i pozzetti d'ispezione?

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