Curriculum Vitae OF
Emiliano Bruni
(last updates November 09, 2005)
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General Information
First name: |
Emiliano |
Last name: |
Bruni |
Fiscal code: |
BRN MLN 69L21 H769R |
Partita IVA: |
01049290677 |
Current employment: |
Research and developement manager of
Micso S.r.l., an italian I.S.P |
I'm a software developer and a network specialist engaged
for over ten years in informatic world. Indeed, since 1989, I design and
develop solutions in Unix and Windows environment. Since the same period, I
install and configure local and geographical area networks based on TCP/IP
protocol with CISCO certification, leader company in router
and switch equipment, having obtained, in 1998, the qualification of "Cisco
certified associate designs". I used all CISCO products from small router of
the 800 series to Catalyst 6500 until routers of 7200 series.
I'm a expert in network security with the installation
and configuration of many firewall solutions "Linux Iptables" and "CISCO PIX
firewall" based
I'm qualified since 1994 near
the RIPE and
the Network Italian Center for the registration of second level domains
under the it ITLD. Since 1995 I'm qualified near
Network Solutions of second level domains under the "Internet Top Level
Domain (ITLD)" com net org and edu.
Since November 1999 I'm registered in the italian registry
of individual firm as a computer science adviser.
Since 2000 I'm a member of Teramo Linux Users Group (TeLUG)
and founder, in 2002, of relative association.
Since 2004 I'm a member of cultural association
Metro Olografix in Pescara.
Since 2005 I'm a member of computer science adviser
Since 2005 I'm a vice-president of Teramo Linux Users Group (TeLUG).
Being my company, an ISO 9001/2001 certified company, I'm
accustomed in using of job flows standard and in using of all element of the
Plan-Do-Check-Act model that is to establish objects, to give performance,
to monitor and to measure the processes, the products, the services and to
adopt actions in order to improve in continuous way the performances of
I have a very good knowledge in these computer languages: Visual Basic 6/.NET, Python , C#, Perl, PHP4, ASP, ASP.NET, HTML
3.2., Javascript, VBScript, DHTML,CSS. I'm a develeper of may opensource
projects available, as an example, on CPAN
or on
I regulary use for my projects revisioning systems like
CVS and Subversion.
I correctly use and development on all the products of
the package Microsoft Office 97 and 2000. I have a excellent knowledge of
Linux, Windows, 95, 98, NT, 2000, Millenium. I know very well the TCP/IP on
which is based the entire structure of transmission of INTERNET and the
application protocols for the most diffuse services (pop3, smtp, HTTP, ftp,
I worked with several equipment in 802.11b/g and HyperLan
for the creation of public area for navigation with WiFi technology (HotSpot).
I partecipated in creation of many Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks with
point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems to give broadband
connectivity where not direcly asserved by xDSL technology.
I know and use vary dynamic routing protocols as
OSPF, EIGRP and BGP having managed for many years the Autonomous System of
my company.
I worked on several products for audio and video
streaming as Windows Media Server or the coupled ffmpeg/ffserver.
I installed, configured and used vary equipments in VoIP technology.
I was graduated from high school from "liceo scientifico statale di Nereto (TE)"
with 54/60.
I was graduated and have achieved the bachelor in
physics near the university of Bologna with the score of 110/110 with top
marks (cum laude) with discussion of a thesis about the "experimental
verification of one-way light speed" with reporter prof. Silvio Bergia
and president prof. Antonio Zichichi.
Course, seminaries and
In July 1996 I took part to a course organized by the consortium
ITALIA.COM in Bologna about the protocol TCP/IP, protocols of net and systems
In July 1996 I took part to a course organized by the consortium
ITALIA.COM in Bologna about the rules of registration of the INTERNET
damains in the second level under the ITLD it and com near the register autority of competence.
In the beginning of 1997 I took part to a course
organized by
ESA Software in Rimini about the development and creation of
modules in Visual Basic for OpenFrame software.
In June 1997 I took part to a course organized by
Istituto Zooprofilattico of Teramo about security in job (D.Lgs
In November 1998 I succeeded in testing
for the qualification of "Cisco Certified Associate Designs" and, like such,
I'm therefore qualified to development and installation of
local of networks with Cisco equipments.
In January 2001 I took part to a course organized
ESA Software in Rimini about the development and creation of
modules in Visual Basic for their package e/.
Working activities and
[--- Next
paragraphs have not been checked after Babelfish traslation ---]
Dal september 1995 al January 1997 has been founding
associate, general executive manager and responsible only della management
della given structure of transmission, connettività and services INTERNET
della Tercom S.r.l, first Internet Service Provider risen in province of
Teramo. To the inside of this society they are occupied to me moreover of:
management of serveur DNS, the routing and the serveur of
e-mail, proxy, news, tacacs and ftp;
configuration and installation to the user of the
communication software and navigation of the net for the systems operated to
you Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Unix, MAc, OS/2 and Amiga;
programming oriented to the applications in Internet in
Perl, Java, 3,0 HTML and Visual Basic;
assemblage of compatible computers IBM.
From July 1996 to june 1997 I have lend service near the
data processing center computer center ofthe
Zooprofilattico Institute Experiences them "G. Caporale" of Teramo with
the assignment of operator of net assigned to the realization, through I use
it of the Visual Basic 4,0, of a client-serveur software for the program of
eradicazione of the stiff Bovine Contagious Pleuropolmonite to I use of
database a cetralized ORACLE in which the several one client it installs to
you in the national I.Z.S. can pour the information from they recorded on
the PPCB. During this period moreover they are occupied me, for the I.Z.S.,
of the following activities:
installation and configuration:
of a serveur news for the inner circulars to the
of a coupled serveur proxy to the plan "Caching Proxy"
of the G.A.R.R. in collaboration with
the Cineca;
of reflector a Cu-SeeMe for the management of teleconference and telelavoro
on the inner LAN to the institute.
Configuration and installation of several router 2503
Cisco and Cisco 4000 in the within of the informatizzazione plan, via ISDN,
of the ULSS veterinaries of the Abruzzi and the Molise.
Realization of software "copy for dates", program used
from the unit of documentation of the I.Z.S. in order to carry out of the
copies of backup increases them of arches photographic of the reports
veterinaries to you.
Realization of software "DAM"
(Given Acclimatizes them Navy) for the rescue and the export of coming from
data from withdrawals of money of water champions you execute yourself near
the foce of the rivers. The program running is used beyond that from the
section of marine Biology of the Tower of Cerrano also from the Lazio region
and the Emilia-Romagna region.
Realization of software "TERMO" used to the inside of the
I.Z.S. for the recording and the press of certifys you of calibration of the
thermometers and spectrometers of the institute
Formation of the personal inside to the CED approximately
the most modern evolutions of the technologies of the Internet and on uses
of software, with particular reference to that one for the creation of pages
January 1997 to you open them 1997: Delta has collaborated with the Study
s.a.s realizing during that period:
serveur web, let alone a serveur proxy and one automated procedure for
the activation of the user and the relative cases of e-mail
A system of electronic commerce for the situated one ofthe
Saca Company s.n.c.
One procedure for the reception, the elaboration and the
on linens of the inner circulars of
the FAITA: Federation of the Italian associations of the
Tourist-receptive complexes of the open Air.
From you open them 1997 I carry out the role of
administrator of net near
the Micso S.r.l., society that is
taken care of services to the companies and professionals in the within of
managerial software, maintenance park blots of it and structuring and wiring
of solutions of nets LAN based on protocol TCP/IP. The Micso Limited
liability company is also Internet Service regularly enrolled Provider to
the national registry of the provider.
From November 1999 they are enrolled in the registry of
the sole proprietors them like computer science adviser.
In February 2000 they have been responsible and supervisor
of the jobs of given restructure of the net of fonia and that he has been
involved the headquarters them and all the peripheral centers of the Abruzzi
and the Molise of the Zooprofilattico Institute Experience them "G.
Caporale" of Teramo.
Dal July 2001 to june 2002 has been computer science
adviser near the Regional Agency for the Ambient Protection dell' dell'
Abruzzi and del Molise.
From the July of the 2003 they are responsible of the unit
development and networking of the Micso S.r.l.
In January 2004 I have analyzed, developed and installed a
system of apparatuses in WiFi technology for the creation of one net of
hotspot Italian. Contextually I have created a system of backoffice
web-based for the management, accountingg and the billing of this net that
currently (November 2004) counts 40 hotspot active and e' managed from the
fifth operator of national technology wireless.
In January 2005 I have shaped and managed the apparatuses
of Core of a ring in fiber optic and the apparatuses of distribution layer
for an operator of telephony and regional services. Of these apparatuses
they made part catalyst of family 6500, of the router of family 7200, some
PIX several firewall and you vary serveur for the management of the services
of VoIP, VOD, videoconferenza, systems of videosorveglianza and systems of
monitoring of the quality of the air.
In May 2001 they have been teaching near the center of the
C.N.A. of Pescara of a course of general computer science for adults from
the title it: "Windows 98 Slight knowledge, I use of the Office package 2000
and navigation in INTERNET".
in May 2001 I have held a course near the
I.Z.S. of Teramo
from the title it: "Programming advanced in Perl and techniques of
realization applied to you web-based".
In December 2001 I have held a seminary in occasion of
the LinuxDay svoltosi to Teramo from the title it
"To base the emergency of the net on a free S.O.. The Linux firewall "
In December 2002 I have held a series of conferences
dealing the opensorce for Public Administration, the operating system Linux
and the Iptables firewall.
In December 2002 I have participated to a round table in
occasion of the Linuxday svoltosi near the University of Chieti in which I
have told my experience with the operating system Linux and the products
In July 2003 I have held a course near the
Atessa for specialist of systems of telecommunicationses; the 07/11/2002
managing determination n. DL 10/87/P2 of Axis C Measure 3 Action 3
From October 2003 to February 2004 I have held a course
near the Commercial Technical Institute them and for Programmatori "R. de
Sterlich" of Chieti in quality of tutor to the inside of the plan of
formation of the tutor you drained TIC to us C
In November 2003 they have been reporter to the inside of
the third seminary of the program of formation to support of the tutors To
and B ForTIC with an participation on the instruments opensorce for the net.
In December 2003 I have held a seminary in occasion of
the LinuxDay svoltosi near the Zooprofilattico Institute Experiences
them of Teramo from the title it "There' s More Than One Way To Do It. From
the bases of the Perl to the CPAN"
From February to May 2004 I have held a course near the
CODEMM of Atessa to the inside of the program of I use of the nets data
transmissions like opportunity of job U.R.T.O.
In August 2004 I have held a seminary on "WebGUI, a content
management system for all", inside the manifestation "Metro
Olografix Camp (MOCA)".
In November 2004, in occasion of
the LinuxDay svoltosi near the Zooprofilattico Institute of Teramo
, has held a seminary on WebGUI, a content management system for
In June 2005 I have participated to
Italian Perl Workshop 2005 in Pisa, where I have introduced a conference
with title: HTML::Template module as a bridge between web designer and