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PlexiMousePad versione 2.0
Seconda realizzazione di un tappetino per il mouse fatto in plexiglass. Questa volta il mouse ha un HUB USB 4 porte integrato, 1 led blu, 1 led rosso, ed è personalizzata con loghi e immagini di America's Army, un videogioco multiplayer FPS.
Last update: 07/01/2007 22:57
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Attacco cracker 2004/12/26
This article analyzes an attempt of attack via phpBB on the forum available on this website. We will analyze the attack, an adopted analysis of the attack code and solutions.
Last update: 01/30/2005 22:40
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NeoBox Home Theater. A PC for home
An home computer built from used components and assembly in un plexyglass case built by myself. This pc is used to show DVD, DivX on my home television.
Last update: 04/13/2004 00:28
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Neobox. A personal car computer.
To Built a multimedia car system by using the most little motherboard, EPIA mini-itx to listen MP3 in car, see TV and DivX, game with MAME, browse INTERNET and have a GPS navigator.
Last update: 04/17/2005 20:55
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Control a telescope with KSTars
Report of tests made with some friends in order to see if it were possible, and in which way, to control a motorized telescope, model Meade LX-200, using the free software KStars in order to make automatically to aim the telescope to the most interesting celestial elements.
Last update: 02/02/2006 23:49
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PlexiMousePad versione 1.0
Un tappetino per il mouse fatto in plexiglass con un led blu integrato e alimentato da una porta USB. Questa è la mia prima versione di questo prodotto artigianale fatto in un unico esemplare che è in vendita su Ebay.
Last update: 01/17/2007 21:35
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Cracker attack 2004/12/03
This article analyzes the events that have caused an attack from a group of hacker Brazilian against the server farm of the Micso Limited on 04 December 2004, on as it has analyzed to the attack and the adopted solutions.
Last update: 04/15/2005 21:33
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My first e-mail
Come back in time, the oldest my e-mail that i found in the net. How I have had found it in the net? Read this and you will know it.
Last update: 01/18/2006 23:40
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Erotica 96
My participation to Erotica Tour '96 where I had a stand with one webcam in order to film sexy girls.
Last update: 01/05/2006 23:43
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TeLug meetings
Teramo Linux Users Group meetings
Last update: 10/12/2003 13:10
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My curriculum vitae
My curriculum vitae
Last update: 07/09/2006 17:40