Banca Sella is an italian bank istitute which offers an online payment system
with credit card based on a SSL server.
This system may call a form on which will be acquired all informations needed to a correct credit card transaction or may be used only for checking credit
card and executing transaction.
In both cases, the merchant redirects purchaser on Banca Sella's server and receives
then, from Banca Sella, confirmation or not about correct payment
through the construction fo a determinate internet address (url) well formatted to send purchased data to Banca Sella and to receive from it confirmation or not
about payment.
This module helps in the construction of the sending url and in the decoding of the reply url from Banca Sella hiddening url complexity using classes that
encapsulate comunication parameters from and to Banca Sella.
During data sending phase to Banca Sella's server it will be inizialized an object of type
Business::BancaSella::Encode using the purchased parameters (amount, internal purchased
id, currency) and the istance will automatically build url for calling Banca
Sella's web system.
During replying phase it will be inizialized an object of type Business::BancaSella::Decode with the query string passed in the url from Banca
Sella and, automatically, the opportune parameters will be set with values relative to
result's transaction, optional error code, purchased id to which
transaction is related and so on.
Actually this library implements Banca Sella online system payment called "compatibility
gateway" and "gestpay".
Indeed, given that the autentication of comunication between purchaser to Banca Sella and back uses keys called
"One-Time-Password" sending from Banca Sella
to merchant when he opens an account, this module implements two parent classes
Business::BancaSella::Ric and Business::BancaSella::Ris. The first used for recovering keys need during comunications with Banca Sella and the other for
checking the autentication of keys sending from Banca Sella in the reply.
Actually these keys could be stored in a file, in a table in a Mysql database or in an improved ascii file well formatted to increase passwords
search speed. Thanks to Marco Gazerro
for this modules.
For more information about this payment system or its functionality and for opening an account for using it you can visit the Banca Sella home page
present at
For more information and updates about this module you can point your browser
or to whatever CPAN mirror site.
0. Prerequisites:
- Perl version 5.005_03 or more recent.
- CPAN URI module.
- CPAN HTML::Entities module.
- CPAN URI::Escape module.
1. Installation steps:
- from the directory where this file is located, type:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install