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Alvarion BreezeNet B100 - Recensione e prove sul campo
Il BreezeNet B100 è l'ultimo nato tra gli apparati punto-punto in tecnologia HiperLan della famiglia Alvarion. Ma a causa del suo costo molto elevato e della scarsità di documentazione soprattutto relativa alle prestazioni sul campo, questo modello viene spesso non utilizzato a vantaggio di soluzioni alternative meno costose. Questo documento analizza alcune prove pratiche eseguite sul campo documentando le prestazioni e i limiti di questo apparato in modo da permettere un più rapido e puntuale step decisio
Last update: 02/11/2008 23:35
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NTLDR is missing - impossibile avviare Windows
Se non avete mai sentito parlare di questo messaggio di errore, allora potete ritenervi fortunati. Ma potrebbe sempre accadere che, prima o poi, accendendo il vostro computer vi appaia questo messaggio. Come risolvere il problema. Questo articolo dimostra, passo passo, con un video, come sia possibile ripristinare il sistema operativo senza perdite di dati e soprattutto, in brevissimo tempo.
Last update: 03/18/2007 19:03
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TrueCrypt: occultare i propri documenti cifrandoli
All'interno della skypecast dell'associazione informatici professionisti ho tenuto un breve seminario sul software multipiattaforma opensource TrueCrypt esaminando, con esempi pratici, qual'è il modo migliore di usare questo software per nascondere i propri documenti all'interno di file assolutamente incomprensibili a meno di non conoscere la chiave di accesso. Troverai qui sia la descrizione che il video dell'intervento.
Last update: 02/03/2007 21:45
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Streaming con strumenti OS
Presentazione, portata in giro in varie manifestazioni nel 2006, dove tento di analizzare gli strumenti che ho usato nella realizzazione degli streaming audio/video live dei vari eventi. Analizzo dapprima il significato generale di streaming e poi mostro i due prodotti usati. Concludo con il caso pratico dello streaming al LinuxDay 2006 a Teramo
Last update: 12/17/2006 00:17
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La 196/2003 nelle signature
Io trovo irritante quei pippoloni presenti nelle signature di alcuni e-mail che, trincerandosi dietro la famigerata legge 196/2003, con fare spesso intimidatorio, vorrebbero farmi credere che sono perseguibile nel caso io non sia il destinatario di quel mail. Che valore legale ha tutto ciò? In questo articolo cerco di gettare un po' di luce su questi famigerati disclaimer.
Last update: 10/23/2006 23:03
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Where Telecom does not arrive, the wireless arrives.
A document describing a project for covering with broadband some areas of italian territory where no ADSL connectivity is available using radio bridge in wireless technology. The distribution to final users is given in WiFi with point-to-point link with the nearest point of the backbone.
Last update: 05/14/2006 18:11
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WebGUI, a C.M.S. for everybody.
The ideal solution to realize and update web contents in a collaborative environment or anyhow from whom is 'not assigned to the jobs' requires the use of a content management system. Of these environments we'll analyze the salient characteristics for dealing therefore the main installation and property of one of theirs: WebGUI.
Last update: 03/23/2005 22:09
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Streaming Howto
This is a short guide to a audio/video streaming. This guide has been used to realize the audio/video streaming during the LinuxDay 2004 event
Last update: 03/21/2005 21:42
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Opensource in a italian public structure
The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise 'G. Caporale' is a public health istitution operating in the field of animal and veterinary public health. Since 1994 it used opensource software. In this article we reassumes the advantages offers by this choice and the currently more important system managed by the I.Z.S.A.M: the Italian bovine registry office.
Last update: 01/24/2006 23:20
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Connections in Italy
We analyzed possible solutions and different types of connections in italy starting from PSTN, ISDN, ADSL for consumers usage and then we analyzed offers for business clients like CDN, Frame Relay.
Last update: 12/12/2003 14:47
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Linux firewall
Starting from a general analysis of why, when and how use a firewall system, i will show you properties and use of Linux firewall Iptables.
Last update: 05/02/2004 23:19
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Iptables+Iproute2 firewall
Understand what a firewall is, how to install it under Linux and which are benefits to your network. A paper about the best firewall solution.
Last update: 01/30/2004 20:38
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The birth of the penguin that is in me.
This article covered the birth and the evolution of the operating system Linux and my encounter with it
Last update: 12/19/2004 22:22
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Using mason to built a C.M.S.
Howto built a site with frames but without frames.
Last update: 10/11/2003 21:07
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Berry's phase. Quantus physics thesis
Take a pencil and put it on the North Pole. Move it along a meridian until the Equator and then carry it on an other meridian. Returning to the North Pole along this other meridian we'll show that it lies in a different direction relative to the initial state. An analogous phenomenon appeares in quantum physics in the waves that describe the matter. This thesis illustrates this phenomenon called : Berry's phase
Last update: 10/24/2003 22:30
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Estensione di un collegamento a INTERNET in modalità wireless
Come sia stato possibile abbattere i costi di gestione delle connessioni ad INTERNET di una pubblica amministrazione accentrando le diverse ADSL degli edifici comunali in un unico punto e ridistribuendo poi la banda tramite collegamenti wireless a 5.4 Ghz in tecnologia 802.11a
Last update: 06/30/2007 23:50
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Office 2007, una panoramica su alcune nuove funzionalità
L'arrivo di Microsoft Office 2007 rappresenta un punto di svolta nel mondo dell'office automation. Nuove funzionalità, nuova interfaccia grafica, nuovo formato di salvataggio in XML, salvataggio in PDF e tanto altro ancora. Sono queste le promesse di Office 2007. In questo articolo alcune informazioni aggiuntive e un video per mostrare di che pasta è fatto questo nuovo Office.
Last update: 02/11/2007 17:00
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La netmask spiegata a mia figlia, parte 2
Continuiamo il nostro viaggio alla scoperta della netmask per completare il discorso ampliando la lezione precedente con nuovi concetti e argomenti.
Last update: 12/20/2006 01:44
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The netmask explained to my daughter
This document tries to explain with a comprehensible language what the netmask is and in which way computer uses such information for sending data over the net
Last update: 12/20/2006 01:44
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To abandon Telecom with VOIP.
This document describes the steps necessary in order to get rid of the telephone line Telecom, from the relative fixed bill and the bimonthly without to lose just the telephone number and continuing to normally telephone with the same telephone but routing telephone calls via Internet through the Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP.
Last update: 01/09/2006 21:40
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IRC_check, a script to check if a nick is online on IRC.
In this article we try to learn something more about PERL by taking as example the working of a simple script that it checks if a given nickname is online on an IRC network and on which channels it is present.
Last update: 12/26/2005 21:51
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Howto Qmail with MySQL
Simple step-to-step guide to install Qmail+checkpassword with MySQL patch and with patch for Spamcontrol, SMTP authentication access. This guide covers installation of Ucspi and daemontools too.
Last update: 03/28/2004 01:07
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Web server and HTTP protocol
The characteristics and installation are described of two more used web servers: apache and Microsoft Internet Information Server. Then it describes the usage of the most common languages scripting. The document describes moreover the mechanism to the base of the transfer of the pages web on INTERNET: the HTTP protocol
Last update: 12/12/2003 14:47
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Una rete con strumenti liberi
Questo documento, utilizzato nell'ambito del piano nazionale di formazione sulle Tecnologie dell'Informazione, tratta degli strumenti di groupware e di content management system quali strumenti di supporto didattico nelle scuole medie inferiori e superiori
Last update: 11/09/2003 01:06
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HOWTO clone a Linuxbox
This document describes a fast way to clone a linux box into a clear computer using netcat unix utility without makes source computer offline.
Last update: 07/31/2004 15:54
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My bachelor thesis.
My bachelor thesis of title: experimental limits of the one way light speed
Last update: 10/11/2003 21:01
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User manual of this site
User manual of this site. Learn how to write html pages with dynamic content like a Content Management system.
Last update: 02/27/2005 22:33
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Virtual reality
In this document, written for a course of the Department Limbs Music and Show of the university of Bologna, one analyzes to the evolution of means of interfacing between man and machine in the last fifty years from the punch cards to the virtual truth where beyond to the possible interaction between the man and the computer the possibility of a new instrument between more individuals is born that extend the eventual barriers that the real world interposes to such communication.
Last update: 01/23/2006 23:31
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Quantum anomaly
This document must have had, like result, to correlate, in some way, the magnetic anomalous moment of the electron with the phase of Berry. Unfortunately for job reasons I have abandoned this study that remains however an example that can however make to understand, to the profane one, what it means really theoretical physics.
Last update: 10/27/2003 22:37